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美國 PBC Kids Super Why閱讀魔法 第一二季 63集 30DVD 純英文高清晰

美國 PBC Kids Super Why閱讀魔法 第一二季 63集 30DVD 純英文高清晰

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  • 市場價格:TWD3990元
    用戶評價: comment rank 5
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  • 銷量: 1763
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Super why 閱讀魔法--PBS Kids 美國名牌節目 63集畫質:高清晰碟數:第一季20DVD+第二季10DVD共30DVD國家:美國語言:純英語對白,無字幕產品實物圖如下:
Super Why是誰呀?
Super Why是一次次的驚奇發現大探險哦!每次節目有24分鐘長,故事發生在一個叫故事書的村莊里,而這個村莊,猜猜在哪裡?就在一座兒童圖書館的書架後面!在這座村莊里,住著圖書館裡那些故事書中的所有童話人物,比如你認識的小紅帽;三隻小豬;豌豆公主;傑克和他的豆莖……不過,在這個村莊里,這些可愛的童話人物又有了新的故事啦!
小豬擁有了字母神奇力量;小紅帽可以實施生字魔法 ;Presto公主的拼讀法術,以及Super Why的閱讀神功。利用這些神奇的力量,大家就可以飛到圖書裡面,去尋找可以解決他們遇到的各種各樣困難的辦法,比如說為什麼大野狼是大大的、兇狠的。一起跟著這些可愛的立體3D動畫人物走進Super Why吧。播放截圖如下:
Super Why-- 讓孩子們愛上閱讀的神奇魔法。 Super Why呈現了一種什麼樣的可以發展孩子閱讀能力的教育方式呢?
在每一集里,神奇主人公們都會使用渾身法寶,帶引孩子們去體驗閱讀探險。之所以說是閱讀探險,因為他們玩耍的是故事遊戲,而這些故事又是孩子們很熟悉的。這些遊戲有認識字母、理解詞意、學習拼讀、記憶辭彙和閱讀理解等。更好玩的是,Super Why還會利用法術讓每天的故事情節發生變化,並出現新的結局哦。比如,他可以把大野狼變成小乖狼。哈哈哈哈。
許多希望孩子學好英語的家長,其實也應該參考一下孩子學習漢語的過程,只有學習後進行使用,或者在使用中習得語言,才是最直接和省力的方法。 大家一起來看看 Super Why 的教育理念吧!
Super Why是針對3~6歲兒童設計的促進其閱讀能力的方法。
通過電視,讓孩子擴展他們的文學閱讀的視野,豐富他們的生活。SUPER WHY is a 3-D animated adventure series, produced by the creators of Blue\'s Clues, designed to provide children ages 3 to 6 with the critical skills they need to read (and love to read!).
The show is based on the adventures of four fairytale friends who live in Storybrook Village: Whyatt Beanstalk,
Jack\'s younger brother; Red, from Little Red Riding Hood; Pig, from the Three Little Pigs; and Princess, from The Princess and the Pea. In each episode, they transform into their superhero alter egos, the Super Readers, and literally fly inside books using the power of literacy to solve problems. All the while they engage a fifth superhero, Super You, who is actually the viewer.
Series Goals
To create lifelong readers who are motivated to read for pleasure and information
To teach abstract, high order reading skills such as making inferences through theme comprehension
To stress to parents and caregivers the importance of reading to their children
To help young children learn key reading skills and strategies for using these skills
To surround children with literacy learning opportunities in all 
aspects of their lives
To provide practice with reading skills through interactive stories and literacy-based games
In every episode, one of the friends encounters a problem with another Storybrook Village character (For instance, Jill from the Jack and Jill rhyme is not being nice). As in real life, the problems require preschool social skills to resolve.
Helping Kids Prepare for School
SUPER WHY aims to help young children learn key reading skills as identified by the National Reading Panel, including alphabet skills, word families, spelling, comprehension and vocabulary.
01. Three Little Pigs 三隻小豬
02. Hansel and Gretel
03. Humpty Dumpty胖胖蛋先生·出自[鵝媽媽童謠] 

04. Jack and Beanstalk 傑克和豆莖
05. The Tortois and the Hare 龜兔賽跑06. Goldilock and Three Bears 金髮女孩和三隻熊
07. The Boy Who Cried Wolf 狼來了
08. Rapunzel 長發公主又名拉普茲爾
09. The Ugly Duckling醜小鴨
10. The Elves and the Shoemaker:小精靈與鞋匠
11. Little Miss Muffet 瑪菲特小姐·出自[鵝媽媽童謠] 12. Cinderella 灰姑娘
13. The Ant and The Grasshopper螞蟻和蚱蜢·出自[伊索寓言]
14. The Little Red Hen 小紅母雞
15. The Frog Prince 青蛙王子.格林童話
16. The Princess and the Pea 17. Little Red Riding Hood 小紅帽.格林童話
18. Tom Thumb 拇指湯姆歷險記
19. Little Bo Peep 小波波
20. The Emperor\'s New Clothes 皇帝的新裝
21. The Twelve Dancing Princesses 十二個跳舞的公主
22. The Three Billy Goats Gruff 三隻公山羊
23. Thumbelina 拇指姑娘
24. Goldilocks and the Three Bears: The Mystery
25. Tiddalick the Frog
26. Beauty and the Beast 美女與野獸
27. Rumpelstiltskin
28. Sleeping Beauty 睡美人
29. The Foolish Wishes
DVD11:30. The Goose and the Golden Eggs
31. The Magic Porridge Pot
32. Pinocchio
33. Momotaro The Peach Boy
34. The Gingerbread 
35. The Ghost Who Was Afraid of Halloween
36. The Starsin The Sky
37. The Three Feathers
DVD14:38. Twas The Night Before Christmas
39. The Little MermaidDVD15:
40 The Story of the Tooth Fairy
41 The Comic Book Attack of the EraserDVD16:
42 The Big Game
43 The Cookbook
44 The Beach Day Mystery
45 King Midas
46 The Prince and the Pauper
47 George and the Dragon
48 The Swiss Family Robinson
49 Dr. Dolittle
50 Alice in Wonderland

