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PBS The Animal House 動物之家 動物的房子 高清 1DVD

PBS The Animal House 動物之家 動物的房子 高清 1DVD

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  • 市場價格:TWD750元
    用戶評價: comment rank 5
  • 商品總價:
  • 銷量: 3828
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名稱:PBS The Animal House 
字幕:英文字幕或無字幕 兩種模式任意切換, 默認為無字幕
清晰:高清的 專業參數就是720P
為什麽有些動物建房子而有些卻不這麽做? 動物們如何決定在哪裏造房子?動物的房子必須安全可靠,保護免受掠食者襲擊和惡劣天氣的侵害。走到地上之下,這部紀錄片將帶領我們仔細研究和領會,動物在荒野之中怎樣為了建立壹個家而不惜成本。

Why do some animals build structures and others don't? And how do animals decide where to build? Animal homes need to be safe and secure, protection from predators and the weather. Going above ground and under, we will investigate just what goes into making a home when you're wild and cost is not a factor. 

Animals build homes for reasons very similar to our own, but they've been doing it for much longer. From a small depression in the sand to an elaborate, multi-chambered tunnel -- animal structures can be simple or architectural marvels. In each case, the goals are the same -- protection from predators, and a nearby source of food. These structures, whether a nest, a burrow or a mound, are also the site of great dramas and extraordinary behaviors. From master builders like termites and beavers to master decorators like the bowerbird which places colorful flowers at the entrance to its nest, The Animal House provides a fascinating look at "the homelife of wildlife." 

Watch tiny cave swiftlets build nests with their own saliva, find out how bamboo rats turn their homes into a farm and how insects handle heating and cooling, meet the lodgers that live with beavers in their dams and the tenants that share prairie dog tunnels, see a subterranean city built for 12 million inhabitants, and be completely amazed by colonies of army ants that create living homes with their own bodies, customized to each location they move into remarkably.

