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【彩】拼讀Between the Lions我們一家都是獅11DVD 84集

【彩】拼讀Between the Lions我們一家都是獅11DVD 84集


  • 市場價格:TWD1600元
    用戶評價: comment rank 5
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此寶貝為   11張DVD   VCD的效果,非高清,要求高不適合   DVD碟機或DVD電腦均可以播放.

Between the Lions 節目主要的目的就是在教導學齡前兒童 「拼讀 Phonics」 (國內也稱作 自然發音法,即不透過音標,直接由字母讀音), 以及培養兒童閱讀興趣,並利用地方公共圖書館資源。

這些節目在美國背後的金主,是美國的教育部,他們有一個特別的計劃叫做 Ready to Learn ,其主要目的是希望學齡前兒童透過觀看節目的同時,也能夠獲取進入小學前所需的常識與技能,同時提供家長在教養以及親職教育方面的技巧指引。

《我們一家都是獅》(Between the Lions)系列兒童節目,不僅提供學齡前兒童學習資源,也透過全美公共電視體系148 個地方電視臺,為社區父母與教師舉辦各種工. 作坊,共同協助學齡前兒童順利就學。




1 the hopping hen    
2 the lost rock
3 little big mouse   
4 shooting stars
5 pecos bill cleans up
6 touching the mooneg
7 fuzzy wuzzy wuzzy  
8 liones''s antlers

9 To the ship!       
10 The chap with caps
11 pandorap''s Box     
12 lionel''s breat escape trick
13 there''s a Fly in my
14 The popcorn popper
15 something fishy    
16 hug,hug,hug!
17 The ram in the pepper
18 a peck of peppers

19 sausage nose       
20 red hat green hat
21 The lucky duck     
22  The old man
23 piggyback, piggyback!
24 the fox and the crow
25 giants and cubs    
26 be bop
27 the sad dad        
28 humph! humoph!

29 the good send      
30 icarus''s wings
31 zoop!zoop!         
32 clickety clack !
33 poetry day         
34 bobby the hopping robot!
35 teacher''s pet      
36 the last cliff hanger
37 pebbl trouble      
38 oh, yes, it can!

39 five,six,and thistle
40 bug beard
41 quest,quest,quest! 
42 the spider and the lie
43 but, mama, but...  
44 Dreaming shakespeare
45 tweet!tweet!       
46 good night,knight
47 the chess mess     
48 stop that chicken!

49 hay day            
50 pigs aplenty
51 what parakeets need
52 too cool
53 you can''s catch me 
54 huff and puff
55 out in outer space 
56 help
57 two coat,one goat  
58 three goats,no waiting
59 step by step      

60 dance in smarty pants!
61 art party          
62 grow,mane,grow!
63 rats               
64 treats!
65 farmer ken''s puzzle
66 the boy who cried wolf
67 a king and his hawk
68 the roar that makes them run
69 trains and brains  
70 why the baboon''s balloon

71 - Pigs Pigs Pigs!; The Three Little Pigs
72 - The Carrot Seed; The Empty Pot
73 - Wings; Whats In The Box
74 - A Shower Of Stars; Two Moons And One Lagoon
75 - The Golden Meaty Awards
76 - Click Clack Moo; The Little Red Hen
77 - Sylvester and the Magic Pebble8
78 - A Tasty Piece Of Cheese; The Lion And The Mouse
79 - Earl s Too Cool; When I Was Five8
80 - Its Red! Its Green!; Joseph Had A Little Overcoat
81 - Sheep on a Ship; Mississippi Skip and his Pirate Ship
82 - I'll Fix Anthony8
83 - Pete's a Pizza; Pygmalion
84 - The Coyote and the Rabbit; the Gingerbread Man
